Quarterly Economic Monitor Rotorua District December 2015 Overview of Rotorua District Rotorua’s economy grew by 2.9% over the year to December 2015 according to Infometrics’ provisional estimate of GDP. All indicators of spending, investment, and labour market activity were in expansionary territory.


Infometrics is an economics consultancy based in Wellington, New Zealand. We specialise in the rigorous analysis and innovative presentation of economic information. We help organisations make outstanding planning, policy and strategic decisions. We measure the past, understand the current and forecast the future.

Leading economic indicators: GDP, consumer spending, population and traffic flows The QEM is an online subscription product, developed to provide timely, data-led insights into an area’s economy. It is updated four times per year and combines a comprehensive, robust set of economic data with a dynamic and interactive web-based interface. The QEM will help you monitor the progress of your economy against these indicators. The ranking infographic included in the web framework shows which indicators your region ranks highly in and which it ranks poorly in. Decision makers in local government require accurate and easily understood economic information about your district or region to help you plan for regional economic growth. Your economic development strategy is likely to contain key performance indicators against which you will measure the future performance of your region’s economy. The QEM will help you monitor the progress of your economy against these indicators.

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« Quarterly Economic Monitor – Reference quarter September 2020 Transport Forecasts – February 2021 » Infometrics’ online Regional Economic Profile provides an in-depth description of your region or district’s economic structure and performance over the past year and previous years. Quarterly Economic Monitor R ot o r u a D is t ric t Ju n e 2 0 20 Overview of Rotorua District The Rotorua Lakes District economy has been one of the worst hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, with provisional Infometrics GDP estimates showing a 14%pa fall in the June 2020 quarter, which resulted in an annual decline of 3.2% in the June 2020 year. Finance Committee 25 March 2015 7. Infometrics Quarterly Economic Monitor December 2014 for Whangarei District Reporting officer Jude Thompson (Group Manager Positive Growth) Date of meeting 25 March 2014 Vision, mission and values Quarterly Economic Monitor Rotorua District March 2017 Overview of Rotorua District Rotorua’s economy has continued to perform well recently and strength in a wide range of indicators has contributed to Infometrics’ provisional GDP growth estimate of 3.1% in the year to March 2017.

24 Nov 2020 The overview of the Timaru District's September 2020 quarterly economic monitor from Infometrics. “Given the pessimistic outlook that is being 

We measure the past, understand the current and forecast the future. Quarterly Economic Monitor M an awat u Ju n e 2 0 20 Overview of Manawatu The Manawatu regional economy contracted by 1.1%pa in the June 2020 year as measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic saw the provisional Infometrics GDP estimates for Manawatu District and Palmerston North City fall 9.0%pa and 8.4%pa respectively in the June 2020 quarter. The latest Infometrics Quarterly Economic Monitor shows a substantial hit to regional economies from the COVID-19 pandemic and New Zealand’s restrictions during the Level 4 lockdown alongside the move down the Alert Levels. The Monitor provides the most comprehensive analysis of regional economic changes so far during the pandemic.

Number of new dwelling consents Quarterly number, Wellington City 300 347 193 June 2020 June 2019 10-year average 0 100 200 300 400

Infometrics quarterly economic monitor

Overview; Regional Economic Profile (REP) Quarterly Economic Monitor (QEM) Regional Economic Forecasts; Regional Skills Outlook; Small area profiles; Event Impact Calculator; Demographic Projections; Community Profile; COVID-19: Economic Insights and Response; Industry/Sector. Overview; Sector Profiles Quarterly Economic Monitor Rotorua District December 2015 Overview of Rotorua District Rotorua’s economy grew by 2.9% over the year to December 2015 according to Infometrics’ provisional estimate of GDP. All indicators of spending, investment, and labour market activity were in expansionary territory. Quarterly Economic Monitor R ot o r u a D istrict D e ce m b e r 20 18 Overview of Rotorua District Infometrics provisionally estimates that Rotorua’s economy expanded by 2.3% over the December 2018 year, following GDP growth of What is the Quarterly Economic Monitor?

It monitors quarterly statistics on GDP, traffic, consents, house prices, house sales, guest nights, retail sales, vehicle registrations, unemployment rates, … Ashburton District Quarterly economic monitor - June 2020 | Portal. Subscriber login Infometrics: Economics put simply Highlights for Wellington City Total guest nights in Wellington City decreased by in the year to September 2020. Quarterly Economic Monitor Taupo District June 2017 Overview of Taupo District Infometrics’ provisional estimate of GDP shows that Taupō’s economy grew by 2.9% in the June 2017 year, just above national growth of 2.8%. A key factor behind Taupō‘s slightly better performance is that the district has higher exposures to industries that are Quarterly Economic Monitor Taupo District September 2018 Overview of Taupo District Infometrics’ provisional GDP growth estimate for Taupo District saw economic growth accelerate to 4.4% in the September 2018 year. The District is strong on almost all indicators. Electronic card spending on retail purchases grew 6.1% in the September 2018 year, Quarterly Economic Monitor Taupo District September 2017 Overview of Taupo District Taupo District’s economy is moving along at a healthy rate. Infometrics’ provisional estimate for GDP showed growth of 3.0% in the September 2017 year.
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Infometrics quarterly economic monitor

It outlines the Quarterly Economic Monitor’s purpose, shows you how to navigate through it various sections, provides an overview of the data it contains, and walks you through the functionality of the interactive dashboard. If you are interested in Infometrics’ Regional Economic Profiles, you can find information here: Quarterly Economic Monitor – Reference quarter September 2020 November 19, 2020 Your economic development strategy is likely to contain key performance indicators against which you will measure the future performance of your region’s economy. The QEM will help you monitor the progress of your economy against these indicators.

Highlights for Hamilton City The average current house value in Hamilton City was up 9.2% in September 2020 compared with a year earlier.
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Quarterly Economic Monitor Kap iti Coa s t D is t ric t M arch 2 019 Overview of Kapiti Coast District Kapiti’s economy is tracking well across most indicators, however weak building consents present a weaker outlook for the construction sector.

Quarterly Economic Monitor Kap iti Coa s t D is t ric t M arch 2 019 Overview of Kapiti Coast District Kapiti’s economy is tracking well across most indicators, however weak building consents present a weaker outlook for the construction sector. Infometrics economists are regularly out and about, engaging with clients/prospective clients or as part of scheduled roadshows. This page lists dates for scheduled presentation series, as well as key dates to mark in your calendar for when our regular reports and updates to web-based economic profiles and monitoring services are occurring. Quarterly Economic Monitor Rotorua District March 2018 Overview of Rotorua District The Rotorua economy has continued to grow strongly with Infometrics preliminary estimates showing GDP growth of 4.0% over the year to March 2018. This growth was slightly less than the average for the Bay of Plenty Region, but well above the national average of 2.7%pa.

Infometrics economists are regularly out and about, engaging with clients/prospective clients or as part of scheduled roadshows. This page lists dates for scheduled presentation series, as well as key dates to mark in your calendar for when our regular reports and updates to web-based economic profiles and monitoring services are occurring.

Porirua City Quarterly Economic Monitor Produced by Infometrics, the Quarterly Economic Monitor provides an in-depth description of Porirua’s economic performance.

Nick Brunsdon has recently joined the Infometrics Team.